Docker Restarts Unexpectedly Restarting The Containers Too Issue

Docker Restarts Unexpectedly Restarting The Containers Too Issue 3,6/5 6128 reviews

Should I be exporting the sql db within the container? I shouldn't have to do that with docker containers right? You shouldn't have a sql db in container. Remember that containers are stateless, when they are stopped all the data written into a container is lost so anything written to a DB will be lost. This will run the redis container with a restart policy of always so that if the container exits, Docker will restart it. $ sudo docker run --restart=on-failure:10 redis This will run the redis container with a restart policy of on-failure and a maximum restart count of 10. Mitsubishi diamond pro 2040u driver for mac.


In Windows 10 Pro 1803 I have the issue that Docker stalls for no apparent reason every now and then. Most times it recovers on its own after a while, but sometimes it is necessary to restart the docker engine in order to get it up and running again. When this happens the output of `docker stats` shows this: At the moment I'm quite clueless what could be the reason for that. The virtual machine in the hyper-v Manager seems to be running quite intensively though. Is there a way to see what the virtual machine is doing when this happens? Maybe it's related to the volume mounts pointing to my local filesystem.

Docker Restarts Unexpectedly Restarting The Containers Too Issues

Or maybe it's something else. The machine the instance is running on should be pretty capable of handling this kind of setup. It's a 8th gen four core i7, 16gb of ram and everything is running off an SSD.

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