Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Ppt Download For Mac

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  1. Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Ppt Download For Mac Windows 10

Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle. There are four principal control volumes involving these components: Evaporator; Compressor; Condenser; Expansion.


Performance Testing of Absorption Refrigeration system Startup Preparation and Installation Challenges Conclusion Scope Prepare the recently built absorption system for performance testing. Carried out testing and installation of various component Subsequently, acquire the operating data for research and analysis. By: Tan Wen Xiong U1121418L System Description Schematic Motivation of Absorption refrigeration Motivation of Absorption refrigeration Background Literature Review Types of absorption refrigeration cycles Working fluids used in the cycles Coefficient of Performance 1st and 2nd law of Thermodynamics Standards and rating Introduction Performance Testing of Absorption Refrigeration System Supervisor: Associate Prof Cai Wenjian Examiner: Associate Prof Mao Kezhi Student: Tan Wen Xiong U1121418L Air-condition played an important role in our life, especially in tropical countries. Conventional air-conditioning system caused huge impacts to the environment.

Absorption refrigeration exploits the disadvantages by using recycle heat driven energy. Recycle the heat produce back to absorption cycle rather than exhausting out to the environment. Ferdinand Carre, demostrated ammonia and water absorption refrigeration in 1859.

Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Ppt Download For Mac Windows 10

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The first patent for a commercial absorption system. Throughout the past 100 over years, the absoprtion cycle has been extensively developed. Popular alternative to replace the conventional compression refrigeration system.

Purpose and Objective Purpose is to conduct a research study on the newly built absorption refrigeration system. The objectives of the research study are: To prepare the startup of the research study. To understand the working principles. To install and test specific components of the absorption refrigeration system. Types of absorption cycles Single Effect Absorption cycle Double Effect Absorption Cycle Triple/ Multi Effect Absorption cycle Working fluids in Absorption cycles Refrigerant and Absorbent Guideline for choosing refrigerant Refrigerant Absorbent Ozone and environmental friendly Properties of low boiling temperature Non Flammable and Non explosive Non-toxic Cost effective Easily detectable in case of leakage Why R-134a Refrigerant? Widely use and available Non-flammable and non-toxic One of the safest for use refrigerant Non-corrosive on standard steel and copper To absorb the vaporised refrigerant in the cycle. DMF -Health and safety hazard Ionic liquid (BMIM BF4) -Ionic liquids are a molten salts composed of organic cation and inorganic anion -Unique physical and chemical properties ( negligible vapour pressure, excellent solubility, large liquid temperature and phase range) -Low impact to environment Coefficient of performance (COP) COP is mostly used to determine the efficiency and performance of absorption cycles and refrigeration system.

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