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Tip: Their name will show up in the Calendar Properties box. In the Calendar Properties box, select the Permission Level down arrow, and to assign to the person you added. Note that the settings for Read, Write, Delete, and Other options change based on the permission level you choose. Check the boxes that apply in the Read, Write, Delete, and Other sections, and then select OK. Permission levels defined You can grant different permission levels to different individuals. The default is free/busy, which shows your free/busy status in the scheduling assistant. In order for Mac users to see your calendar, they'll need to be assigned the Reviewer permission level.
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This table explains the privileges that are associated with each permission level. Action Privilege Recipient of shared calendar. Read None Is blocked from reading anything on the shared calendar Time, subject, location Can see the time, subject, and location of meetings and appointments on the shared calendar Free/Busy time Can see when you are free and busy but no other details Full details Can read everything on your calendar Write Create items Can create meetings and appointments on your calendar Create subfolders Can create a folder under the shared calendar. This is a place where you can schedule appointments but not meetings. Edit own Edit meetings and appointments they created but not those created by the person sharing the calendar Edit all Edit all meetings, appointments, and folder contents regardless of who created them Delete None Is blocked from deleting anything on the shared calendar Own Can delete meetings and appointments they created but not those created by the person sharing the calendar All Delete all meetings, appointments, and folder contents regardless of who created them Other Folder visible View the folder (or sub-calendar). Folder contact Receive messages about a public folder and resolve duplication or overwrite issues.
Folder owner Add, edit, and remove appointments. Remove permissions from someone you no longer want to share your calendar with. At the bottom of the navigation pane, select the Calendar icon. Select the calendar you want to remove their permissions from. On the Organize tab, choose Calendar Permissions. In the Calendar Properties box, choose Remove, then OK.
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Full Specifications General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date October 30, 2018 Date Added October 30, 2018 Version 2.14.1 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Mac Additional Requirements. macOS High Sierra. macOS Sierra. OS X El Capitan. OS X Yosemite. OS X Mavericks.
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